Branding Like a Badass

brandingWe often tend to think about branding in terms of our marketing properties: a logo, a website, social media accounts, printed materials. True, those are all part of "your brand," but that isn't really what a brand is, is it?A brand is how people come to know who you are. Often times, that includes our marketing items, but it also includes: your reputation, your relationships, your history, and the perception of what you do or the value you provide. While these aren't things that come out of your design department, these are things that you can control. Your brand can be one that exceeds expectations, over-delivers, makes customers giddy rather than profit-focused, cheap, painful customer service, or hardly works.A brand is how people come to know you. Are more people talking about your logo or how you treat customers? Do more people talk about the fonts and colors used on your website or how easy/difficult it is to navigate?Don't be afraid to take some risks by out-delivering your competition. That's branding like a badass.


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