Lessons Learned From Email Spam

Just a few minutes ago, I received an email from "Your INVITED by SV" with the subject heading as "Dear KELLAN.COOPER VideoINclusioN NEWSLETTER!"Not only did I not sign up for this newsletter, but my name is not Kellan Cooper either. It turns out, this "newsletter" is supposed to be for a conference that "improves business practices." I don't know about you, but sending unwanted email with major grammatical errors and all capital letters to the wrong addressee isn't optimal business practice.While it's easy to get annoyed by these kinds of messages, we might as well get some kind of benefit from them by learning a few things:1) The sender most likely bought my email address from a company that procures contact information. Because they did not take the time to make sure that they even had the right information, this was wasted money.2) They automatically put me on a subscription without getting my consent. Don't do that to your customers, always have them verify an email subscription first.3) Need I say it? Check the spelling. Also, don't use "Your Invited" as your sender name. That's just absurd.4) DON'T USE ALL CAPS. As you can see by the image below, this often trigger spam and phishing alerts by the email system.5) If you are going to promote a professional service, at least buy a custom domain name and match email address. Sorry, but @gmail.com or @hotmail.com does not look good. Emailpic01 email02 email03


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