Roots to Rise:

Development without Displacement


During my tenure as Board Chair at the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO), I oversaw a once-in-a-generation campaign to redevelop the Jade/APANO Multicultural Space into a 5,000 square foot Cultural Center, public plaza, and permanent office for the organization, complete with 48 units of affordable housing above.

The location was on the corner of 82nd Avenue and SE Division St. - the very center of Portland, Oregon, in the most diverse zip code in the state. Since I was nearing the end of my board term (mid-2018), I also needed to ensure that the leadership transition would be smooth and ensure the success of the campaign.


In order to begin construction on the building, we needed to secure $2 million in support from private donors, grants, and corporate giving. The total project cost surpassed $16.5 million and would require strategic partnerships.


To reach our goal, we employed the following tactics:

  • Produce a campaign video to share the vision of the project.

  • A crowdfunding campaign to help raise the initial $25,000.

  • Applied for multiple community grants from foundations, the city of Portland, and the state of Oregon.

  • Trained a fundraising committee that included board members, staff, and community leaders.

  • Employed a grassroots campaign of events, earned media, and strategic partnerships with community and business leaders.

  • Hosted a Voices of Change fundraiser during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.


  • Raised over $26,000 through the crowdfunding days by nearly 450 backers within days of the campaign launch.

  • Created a landmark economic partnership with joint ownership between APANO and ROSE Community Development Corporation.

  • Raised nearly $60,000 from individuals and sponsors at the Voices of Change fundraiser.

  • Received a major matching grant from the Coulter Foundation to incentivize major giving.

  • Received a $75,000 contribution from the Oregon Community Foundation.

  • Raised over $2.5 million in total and completed the building project in 2018. The final chosen name for the building was The Orchards.

  • The building now serves as a beacon for the community with events, placemaking arts, and pathway to economic redevelopment without displacement.


Sharing our story.

The campaign video that invited people to support their community.



We began the campaign with community meetings asking residents for a vision of what they hoped to see. What we ended up with was more than any of us could dream.

The Completed Project


“My quality of life is better [since moving into Orchards].” My sons feel really happy living here. I am feeling more peaceful… And I feel I have more time to make better food – more delicious food for my children.”

— Quinhong Chen, resident of the building


Together, Envision the Future


Comfort During Uncertain Times