Developing Truly Diverse and Inclusive Marketing and Communications


Tomorrow, Feb 17th, I'll be presenting a workshop for the American Marketers Association Portland chapter called "Stop Tokenizing Me: How to Be Diverse and Inclusive In Your Marketing."As I hint in the description, diversity and inclusion are often afterthoughts, especially in the world of marketing and communications. When “diversity” is seen as something to be included in imagery rather than something that is embedded into all areas of the organization, the effort will never be successful.While I'm not expecting marketers to have a firm grasp on critical race theory, it is becoming more important than ever to develop processes that are truly inclusive. We know that the demographics of our country are rapidly changing - but the demographics of marketing and communications professionals, the board of directors for most companies/nonprofits, and executive leadership is not. Organizations are constantly trying to catch up - and those who do not model equity are going to be left out.If you're interested in attending, please click here. It will be a riveting discussion and an opportunity to network with other marketers in the area.


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