The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education

NCORE 2014I'm honored to join a distinguished list of presenters at this year's National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE).The NCORE® conference series constitutes the leading and most comprehensive national forum on issues of race and ethnicity in American higher education. The conference focuses on the complex task of creating and sustaining comprehensive institutional change designed to improve racial and ethnic relations on campus and to expand opportunities for educational access and success by culturally diverse, traditionally underrepresented populations.I'll be speaking on Thursday, May 29 at 1:30pm (Session #3211) on i=using irony and reappropriation to create social change. From the program:Reappropriation has been used as a political statement for social justice before hipsters thought being ironic was cool. Whether it is the reclaiming of a racial epiphet that was once used to disparage a community or changing the meaning of an oppressive word to one that provides sociopolitical empowerment, it is an important process that activists use to impact society.I hope to see you there!


Just Confirmed: TEDxUofW and the Business for Culture and the Arts


Thoughts about the Status Quo