Organic Marketing (Marketing by Intuition)

I'd like to present an idea that I have about the purest, most natural, self-evolving form of marketing: organic marketing. This is not something learned in a book, seminar, or school (though all of those things may help). It is something that forms naturally out of passion. Tactics such as the 5 P's, SEO optimization, META language, channel marketing, are all tools to help refine the process but none of those things naturally create excitement about your brand. Organic Marketing occurs:-       When you know the target audience so well that you can define your actions to revolve around a single person rather than a demographic range.-       When you are passionate about your brand.-       When you don’t need pre-scripted boiler-plate language to communicate what your mission or values are.-       When you create such excitement in your target market that they naturally spread your message for you.-       When you know what your fans want before they know what they want.Organic Marketing does not occur: -       When your sales pitch sounds like a scripted, forced, sales pitch.-       Your target is more revenue not higher satisfaction with your products or services.-       When you rely more on a system or formula than intuition of what your customers will need, what will make your organization grow, and what will generate genuine excitement.


The Snooze Button Effect


The Business of Hope: Marketing Non-Profit Organizations